It’s been a long time…
...since I've written and I'm beginning to understand why I've become lax with this one particular task. I'm not good at small talk and if I had to label myself the tag would read introvert. I never really knew this about myself. Only over the last couple of weeks,...
When God Was a Woman…
is the name of a book I read years back when I was reading all things goddess. It seems I've spiraled back to my interest, becoming engrossed in another round of books and articles on the topic. It keeps dragging me away from the page I'm supposed to be writing on, as...
It’s National Make Up Your Mind Day
Which makes it a great day for me to figure put where I'm going next. There are two series swirling in my mind and as I'm more than half-way through Finding Joy, I've begun developing characters for each of the them. The problem is I don't know which to dig into...
In the news…
Dropped into KJ's Caffe this morning to meet up with my nephew and niece-in-law for a cup of coffee. They're heading back to England tomorrow, and I was so happy we were able to see them before they left. While we were there, my son brought over a copy of the Lowell...
Just chilling…
I'm sitting at a table in my son and daughter-in-laws coffee shop. I find myself here almost every day. There was something that pulled me in from day one and last night I realized why I travel the fifteen minutes to get here. It isn't for the coffee, which is...
Women’s friendships
The one comment that seems to echo about the Fire and Ice series speaks to the friendship the women at Woodley and Fisher have formed. They laugh together, cry together and support each other in good times and in bad. The founding mothers fostered a unified whole when...
Been busy…
...with a lot that has nothing to do with writing... My kids opened up a coffee shop and I've taken some time to sit and enjoy the lines of customers that are keeping them busy. If you do a Google search, you'll find they have five stars! Pretty impressive for their...
It’s almost here…
Good morning: I'm sending the fifth book in the Fire and Ice series to the formatter next week which means it will be available by mid-month. My editor has the sixth and final one which I hope to publish by mid-January. For as much as I wanted them all out by...
Tendrils of Ice
Yippee. I just finished making my editing changes which means I'm one step further along the road toward formatting. Now I've got to come up with a blurb that will hook, copyright page, acknowledgment, and to my reader page, first chapter and blurb for next book. The...
Good morning:
I'm not a computer person and most of my frustration at work comes from whatever device I'm using. There's a prankster at play somewhere in the inner works of my laptop, who seems to poke his head periodically. If I remember correctly, his name is Mecurius, and he's a...