Creativity is usually fueled by emotion

Creativity is usually fueled by emotion

I was watching an episode of Finding Your Roots the other night, and Glenn Close was one of the people searching for her past. She made a comment about creativity that I took to heart. In her case it was fueled by anger and it made me ask myself what fueled my...

Read and review anyone?

Marketing is key when trying to gain a following. It’s been an uphill climb for me and in searching for the different avenues I can take, I enrolled my book in a service that asks readers for volunteers. So far, I’ve received dozens of emails of interested...

Happy Tuesday

As I sit overlooking the parking lot of KJ’s Cafe, the sky gray and clouds hovering, the asphalt still caked with the snow that has iced over, falling snow flakes almost invisible to the eye, I’m letting my imagination go where it will. I’ve begun...


Yesterday I wrote the last line of Gardens of Eden. It felt good because I’d been struggling with the epilogue. After a couple of days letting it simmer in my mind, it bubbled up and flowed onto the page with ease. This is the first draft, which I’ll let...

Gardens of Eden

The sixth book in my Everyday Goddesses series is set on a twenty-acre garden nursery, where Inanna Rusnik lives, works and breathes. As a fourth generation sower of seeds, she created cherished hideaways in the fields among the wildflowers growing in abandon, or...
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