Tuesday teaser…

Tuesday teaser…

Good morning all: It’s baseball season…and the sun is finally shining to support it. My team is having a great season so far and I’m having fun watching them. Today I thought it would be apropos to tease you with an excerpt from my book Thrown for a...


…not that I can distinguish between the days of the week, busy at my computer, but today is different. There’s a writer’s conference about thirty miles from my house that I’m attending, something I don’t usually do. There’ll be a...

Teaser Tuesday…

Good morning. I thought it might be fun to throw out a teaser every Tuesday…a quote or phrase taken from one of my books, to entice. Today, I’m going to offer a sweet treat from Skoli on Ice, my newest book out, available on Amazon in both eBook and print....

A call from out of the blue…

…isn’t always an unexpected pleasure, but in this case, it was. There were actually two surprises yesterday that touched me. One was a  message stating that I had a blog follower and I felt a tingle of excitement.  The email address looked familiar and...

It’s here…

And although I could mean the sun, which has been unwilling to show itself here in New England in far too long, I’m talking about Skoli on Ice.  Uploaded a few days ago, I’m excited to see it out there as follow up to Consumed by Fire. The saga of the four...
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