Dec 15, 2020 | Uncategorized
Someone who’s reading my Goddess series asked me recently if a lot of what I’ve experienced ends up in my stories. And in a word, the answer is, yes. How could it not? In Thrown For A Curve, Melinda, Crackerjack’s mother, catches him during high...
Dec 8, 2020 | Uncategorized
I haven’t come to this particular page in months and I as we head toward the end of this year, I’m getting excited about turning the page for a fresh start. Some may think that isolation is good for a writer. Isn’t it easier to imagine a mental scene...
Oct 13, 2020 | Uncategorized
As I begin writing the next book in my Everyday Goddess series, I’ve decided to introduce some potential new inductees to the women’s sacred circle. (Just in case I don’t want the series to end.) Every name I’ve chosen to this point has come...
Sep 29, 2020 | Uncategorized
I’ve written a few series over the last few years and have had my fair share of marketing woes. How do you get someone interested enough to pick up your book? Social media? Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, blogs? Word of mouth? Reviews? I asked a friend to help me...
Sep 22, 2020 | Uncategorized
There have been authors who have told me it’s all about the cover. Couples sell the best. It’s been proven by analytics. Although according to a new poll, it’s all about the male torso. The M-A-L-E torso. It’s the six-pack abs, the bare arms,...