The weather has made a turn for the comfortable, but then I love the fall, especially in New England. Crisp nights, sunny and dry days… great for walking the dog, or just sitting outside in the fresh air.
Today I want to mention a great new promo I’m part of . When I got the email telling me about it, I got excited. Not only because I knew I had a book or two I could promote, but I love knowing that there are other authors out there writing about strong women.
So many romances are written around the male lead’s occupation. I’ve seen plenty of meme’s on whether readers prefer the men to be military, police, firefighters, athlete, construction worker. The role of warrior always seemed to be placed in his hands. But really? Woman can fit that role quite as well, if not better.
As a wise woman warrior once, said, “Throw me to the wolves and I will return leading the pack.”
I’ll be checking out the books available, and hope that you do, as well.
Here’s the link.
Wishing you wonderful week… and a good read.