With Heart on Fire next out in the Fire and Ice series, Jelani’s story, Heart of Ice, drafted and ready to be reviewed, I’ve gotten caught up in Arianna’s story, Tendrils of Ice. She is one of the founding partners of Woodley and Fisher, that kick-ass law firm where Nell, Cami, Em and Nell work and to them she’s mama bear. When I left my workspace yesterday, she had started coming alive on the page. She gardens, swims, has two cats, Tigger and Smokey, loves hazy, hot and humid weather, loves two-hour baths filled with bubbles and never leaves her house without her face. Oh, and she sings with gusto, but always off-key. I liked the image I had of her, but now I’m beginning to relish who she is and how she’s lived her life. There’s some sorrow there as well, but I don’t want to give too much away so that will remain a mystery.
I also worked with my cover designer over the last couple of days, and she’s done another great job for Tendrils. It’s stark and compelling and I can’t wait to get it on my bookshelf. The image works well with the title I eventually chose. I couldn’t get the picture of Elsa from Frozen and the icy frozen fractals that sparked from her fingers, out of my head. They spiraled and curled like tendrils, which I envisioned becoming entwined around Arianna’s heart.
Like I said, there is some sorrow there.